Versatile Blogger Nomination

Yesterday I got a wonderful surprise.  Robin at Bringing Europe Home nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award!  What a thrilling and wonderful surprise!  I was frantically checking my email in between flights yesterday at the airport on our way home from spring break when I saw it.  Due to missed flights and delayed connections, I didn’t get to it yesterday, but am on top of it today.

The first thing I’m supposed to do is tell 7 things about myself that you don’t know, so here goes:

1.  I wanted five kids, until I had 3 in 11 months.

2.  I’m a cat person, but I think Bugs’ Leopard Gecko is pretty awesome even if the cat          does want to eat him.

3.  I’m only superstitious about ladders and spilled salt.

4.  I think most teenagers are generally hilarious.

5.  I would rather run or walk than ride a bike.

6.  I love God even though I sometimes wonder what on earth He’s thinking.

7.  I love it when I over hear my three boys conversing about their antics–good and bad!.

The next step is to nominate 15 other bloggers for the Versatile Blogger award.  I found this task difficult, since there are so many great bloggers out there that I enjoy just as much as the ones listed.

1.  Spoonlighting  I love this blog by a very funny teenager who is cooking out of the famous Silver Spoon Cookbook, and lovingly adapts recipes for her sister who has celiac disease.

2.  Writingishardwork by Roger Colby who gives excellent tips on writing.

3.  It’s a Wunderful Life is about raising twins on the spectrum.

4.  Beyond the Brush by Lynne Ayers who is a wonderful artist and photographer

5.  eyeonwales a fantastic travel blog.

6.  Vicky…the Northern Chicky who does have 5 kids, and blogs about life with them in transition of moving from the north to the south.

7.  Train’s Whistle Blogger and writer living in Virginia and blogging about life–just a really good read.

8.  A Travellers Tale for his most excellent photos.

9.  A Cloud of Lace for all sorts of life tips and exotic travel

10.  Pages From My Crazy Life  From Building a house to a little bit of humor

11.  Salt and Serenity for the fantastic chocolate filled macaroons, and other wonderful goodies on her blog

12.  My Sardinian Life for educating me on Sardinia, Italy.

13.  A New View From Here For his versatile writings.

14.  dranthonysblog for the wonderful information on Floriday that isn’t all about Disneyworld (not that I don’t like a good visit to see Mickey).

15.  Emilyluxton‘s Explore. Dream. Discover.  Which pretty much says it all.

Thank you to everyone who reads my blog, and for all the support!

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18 Responses to Versatile Blogger Nomination

  1. Patti Ayer says:

    Congratulations Arnel!

  2. i mayfly says:


  3. eyeonwales says:

    Thank you for the inclusion – I’m off on even more travels shortly, but I’ll be sure to explore this awards concept properly when I get back. Best regards, and many thanks.

  4. Well deserved!! Congrats!

  5. Janie Thurman says:

    Hope u win

  6. Thanks for the nomination. Those are some cool blogs you listed. Out of curiosity, what do I do now? Do we wait to hear from someone?

  7. Pingback: An Award Winning Week « New View From Here

  8. Thanks for the nomination! Once school settles down (blech) I’ll definitely nominate other people too 😀

  9. Pingback: Finally Sharing the Love! « New View From Here

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