My Car in the Smithsonian???

Back in the fall we met some friends in D.C. who were visiting from the West Coast.  I love D.C.  There is so much history there–and I love history.  Meaning I love learning about history, not being a part of it.

Neither DH or I had been in to see the American History Museum.  A very interesting mix in that building.  They had a collection of the First Lady’s inaugural ball gowns, the highlight of which was the shock of how extremely tiny Mary Lincoln was.  It looked as though a 12-year-old girl could wear her dress.  Over this past Memorial day, we toured James Monroe’s Ashlawn-Highland where they had a dress of his wife’s, Elizabeth.  It was about the same size.  I’m amazed.  I didn’t know women were so very tiny back then.

We weaved and circled through the exhibits, seeing musical instruments by Stradavaria–who had a whole room devoted to them.

Some of the other exhibits were about space exploration and the history of Birth Control for women, but when we entered the car exhibit, I suddenly felt like I should be walking with a cane.

Imagine my surprise when I see my first car in the museum.  What, exactly, does that say about my age?

My first car was a 1977 Honda Civic.  Red.  This is it, except mine had solid black interior. Still, I didn’t think I was that old.  What happened to buggies pulled by horses?  Definitely a downer, right up there with not getting carded when the sign says “if you don’t look 40 we card.”  You want to pull your I.D. out and practically shove it up their noses.

I wanted to shout, “This is not that old!  It shouldn’t be in here.  Hey, is this some kind of joke?”  Unfortunately, the people gathering to look at it didn’t seem to think it was a mistake or joke at all.  The ten year old next to me said, “Wow!  Look at that!”

Me?  I went outside and visited with the squirrels.

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33 Responses to My Car in the Smithsonian???

  1. OMG…I am right there with you…except I would have talked my wife’s ear off until she finally said, “Deal with it!”

    Be encouraged!

    • Hehe! I loved that car. It had a/c, but I couldn’t run it cause it was too hard on the engine! And I lived in Bakersfield where it gets up to 115. Summers were pretty hot!

  2. robincoyle says:

    I had a Civic too. LOVED that car. Oh, and have you seen antique button-up shoes? They are impossibly narrow and look like torture on heels.

  3. originalapplejunkie says:

    I have a Civic 😛

  4. jmgoyder says:

    Can’t stop laughing!

  5. Madhu says:

    Isn’t fair at all 🙂

  6. terry1954 says:

    i love history also. i didn’t used to when i was in school, but now i love it. my daughter used to have one of those civics. the complete car was a color of lime green. we could be seen coming down the street for blocks!! lol

  7. i mayfly says:

    Squirrels are always nice to watch – they never mention your age! Or your weight. Or that your clothes look “comfortable”…oh, that’s me their not telling that to 😉

    • And they are one of the funnier of Gods creatures. They crack me up when they are standing in the raid with an acorn in their mouth and they can’t decide which way to go…

  8. I’ve nominated your blog on The Versatile Blogger Award. More information

  9. Sorry, I mean nominate to Liebster Blog. thanks.

  10. magsx2 says:

    That is one thing you would not expect in a history museum to see the same model car as you used to own, that is just incredible.

    I also love going to museums, it seems every time I go another piece of history has been added to an exhibit. So much to learn and read, but all very fascinating.

    • It really did stop me for a moment…But I guess if they have Hillary Clintons gowns from different functions then my little ole honda could be there, maybe… 🙂

  11. Ouch. I had the same one in silver – 1979…oh well, we’re just vintage, which I hear is all the rage these days! Thanks for the laugh!

  12. Hello! I just came over here since you were on Robin Coyle’s list too. I love that American History museum, although I think I would have been pretty surprised to see a ’77 Civic in there. Museums shouldn’t have stuff that’s still in existence during our lifetime. That’s just wrong.

  13. Hah hah hah! That is so funny. That was the first car I remember us having when I was little. The pop windows that opened like two inches in the backseat. Aaaahhhh fun times

  14. You car is famous! =D … DC is such a great place for people who love history – all those museums with FREE entry !!! What a fun post! Makes me miss DC – where I use to live! 🙂

    • HA HA! DC is great–you can never get tired of it either! It’s always a great place to visit no matter how many times you’ve been there. How lucky you are to have lived there!

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